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Three generations of the Bray family have shaped Airborne’s cultural roots. Each generation has built on the company's spirit of creativity, flexibility, and enthusiasm. Everything, in fact, that's at the heart of our philosophy and culture today.
Airborne products routinely have the ability to trace the product from a batch number back to each individual apiary (site of hives) and print a map of New Zealand showing these, are just some indicators of the level of technical expertise applied in the business. Today Airborne is the technical leader in the New Zealand honey industry.

Airborne Honeydew Honey, 500g
Sale price$15

Airborne Thyme Honey, 500g
Sale price$15.75

Airborne Vipers Bugloss Honey, 500g, New Zealand
Sale price$14.50

Airborne Kamahi Honey, 500g, New Zealand
Sale price$14.50

Airborne RewaRewa Honey, 500g, New Zealand
Sale price$14.50

Airborne Clover Honey, 500g
Sale price$14

Airborne Rata Honey, 500g, New Zealand
Sale price$15.75

Airborne Manuka Honey 50+Manuka Pollen, 500g, New Zealand
Sale price$17.50

Airborne Multifloral Honey, 500g, New Zealand
Sale price$14

Airborne Pure Honey, 500g, New Zealand
Sale price$12.75